"When you come to the Praise and Thanks service on Tuesday at 7:00 pm, be ready to share what the Lord has done in your life the past year." That was the announcement at church last Sunday.

What would
I say? Certainly I am thankful to God for meeting our physical needs in wonderful ways.. a house, food, health. That list is long.
But, if I were to be honest... to openly praise God for what He has done in my life this year... yikes. This has been the year of
deep cleaning. After much soul searching, I knew what I should say.
Tonight, I was ready. At one point, I started to stand, but someone else was already on their feet. The service started, happened, and ended, and I never got to say what was in my heart. I wondered to God,
why did You have my heart full of praise and thanks and keep me from speaking? And then I knew... it was for me to share with you - my blogosphere friends!
Beware - I'm going to go all serious on you and tell you what God has done in the last year.
My verse for the year would have to be Psalm 40:17 -
But I am poor and needy: yet the Lord thinketh on me... There has been persistent conviction of "nice" sins, tucked in the corners of my soul... the ones that have been dismissed as personality traits or "quirky" little habits. Not any more. I see the sin. Am I hopeless? Not with the second part of that verse...
the Lord thinketh on me. He loves me enough to bother with the conviction, stay with me through the ongoing correction.
why is it so important to tell you this? Today, in my Bible reading, I found this verse (at the end of a list of how God blessed His people)
That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this... (Isaiah 41:20)
This has been a year of blessing, personal spiritual blessing - and I tell you this so that
together, we can 1) see, 2) know, 3) consider and 4) understand that God has been at work... in me... in you?
It is wonderful to be so loved. It is indeed a season of thanksgiving.