Monday, June 29, 2009

And now it's really history


I must admit, following my refresher course in Exuberance of Youth 101 last week, I am in awe of all the young mothers who take it in stride every day.

After I returned granddaughter #1 to her family last Wednesday, I received a plea for scrapbook tutoring for granddaughter #2. She arrived on Friday, loaded with papers, glue and expectations. The book needed to be complete by Saturday night.

We worked... I mean we worked hard!

Because it's for 4-H, she did all the work... I just pointed, cut and suggested possibilities.

When we needed a break, Emma went straight to her first love...

One break was spent outside breathing in some fresh air. Emma found and picked the final mulberries. During another break, she made a velvety smooth mulberry sauce for ice cream. Yummo!

No, we didn't finish the scrapbook. She went home with three pages of raw materials - and lots of experience. Judging from the finished part of the book, she'll do just fine.

Right now, I sit in my quiet house and renew my vow to pray for all of you who live with exuberant children. It is a fine calling.

Teach them Jesus.

Jesus said... Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God... and He took them up in His arms, and put His hands upon them, and blessed them. Mark 10:14 and 16


Joel and Marcie Fenske said...

The scrapbook is completely beautiful. Good tutoring! Also... she had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

You don't know how much we appreciate prayers for our daily work with "creative" children and our work to teach them Jesus! C. Nottingham

Jen K. said...

Sounds like you had a great time w/the grandkids...makes me wish my mom lived closer. They looked at houses while here, so maybe there is hope!
On another note, please share the directions on how to make a scrapbook "page" for a blog. I wouldn't mind doing that for some new posts.