Drum roll please...
Ta da! My coupon holder.
With markets falling, inflation looming, uncertainty everywhere, coupons are more important than ever. (If I had access to emoticons, I would add a little winking smiley face here) The fact is, I am weary of the I-know-that-coupon-is-in-this-purse-somewhere routine that I go through with every trip to the store.
The holder is made using just a small portion of one leg from a pair of discarded jeans, along with a couple of fabric pieces from my stash. (Note: I even pulled my cams [yeah, my machine is re-e-e-ally old!] out to reinforce the pocket edges.)
The front and back are sewn right sides together, leaving an opening to turn it right side out.
In less than 2 hours - plus the time to add the unessential buttons - my money saving program is ready to go.
Today the coupons... tomorrow the... ummm... well, maybe coupons are enough for a while.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. Lamentations 3:24