Monday, July 28, 2008

First day of school

It was Barbie's Big Adventure... my senior year of high school, the year you don't have to prove anything to anyone, because, well... you're a senior! You know it all!

But this was more than just high school. I was on my own. Sort of. I had talked my parents into letting me finish high school at a christian school 60 miles away from home. Arrangements were made for me to live with one of the school families (friends of my parents) for the year. Labor Day weekend, I arrived at their home loaded with suitcases, school supplies and high expectations.

In the move, I gained another little sister and brother and they were the only people that I knew at the school. The first day of school held both anticipation and fear - would I find a friend? would I fit in? will I be glad I made the move?

Tuesday after Labor day dawned bright and HOT. I came out of my bedroom wearing my carefully chosen outfit, to have some breakfast and wait for the bus. Mrs. T., the mom of the house, greeted me happily, teased me about being nervous and then handed me my lunch box.

just found this in an antique store
Yep! You read it right. My lunch box. It was red plaid... metal... the kind second graders love to pop open at lunch time to see what mouthwatering delights mom packed today.

I objected. (Nicely, of course. My mother would expect me to be respectful.) Mrs. T. was firm - the lunch box is for you and you will take it to school.

I suggested a lunch bag. She didn't have lunch bags.

I offered to use a grocery bag, any bag! Nope. The lunch box was my ticket out of the house.

In the end, I relented. There was no other way to end the standoff and maintain peace. Just as someone announced the arrival of the bus, I realized there was still a way out of this humiliating introduction to my new classmates. I flew to my bedroom, grabbed my long dress coat, and threw it over my armload of books and lunch box. It was 80+ degrees, but carrying my coat sure beat carrying a red plaid lunch box!

And this was just the first day of my Big Adventure.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6


Anonymous said...

You created a wonderful image with these words: "I flew to my bedroom, grabbed my long dress coat, and threw it over my armload of books and lunch box. It was 80+ degrees, but carrying my coat sure beat carrying a red plaid lunch box!" Thanks for transporting us back to that day!

Joel and Marcie Fenske said...

Wonder what the bus driver (Dad)thought about that lunch box! :)

The Jackson's Journey said...

I enjoy reading your blog. You are a gifted writer. Also, I would love to hear the story about this bus driver. :-)