I read this quote a few weeks ago -
"Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Talk about it."The quote is from a woman far from God. No person intent upon living a holy life would emulate her lifestyle. And yet, as I read these short statements, I was amazed at how perfectly they capture the way every christian should live!
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Pay attention - Do you notice the hand of God upon your life? Do you see the blessings that fill your minutes, hours, days? Do you read His Word and find guidance for your life? Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. (Psalm 119:18)
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Be astonished - It is astonishing that the God over all is aware of us, works in us. Aren't you amazed that God's grace is freely given to you? "I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh on me..." (Psalm 40:17)
Talk about it - Do you? Do you talk about what God does in your life? Do your friends know how that verse you read today has impacted your thinking, your actions? Do your kids know what you saw God do today? Is He the passion of your life that you can't keep to yourself? "In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name forever. Selah." (Psalm 44:8)
"Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Talk about it."
Three great questions to ponder and keep in front of us....I really like this post....
I have some catching up to do as well....Happy Birthday....I am glad you had a good one and I am sure that it was the cake was small and not lack of space on the cake for the candles...hahahahah
I was glad to see the pages that had finally come out of the weather.....and I am even more excited to see what you are going to do with them.......
Hugs and blessings,
I love this!
Pay attention-be astonished--talk about it. Wasn't that what the shepherds and Wise Men did? And all those who saw God face-to-face (Moses, the prophets) in the Bible? It's such good advice. I love how God can speak even through those who don't know Him!
Thanks for sharing this. And thanks for joining the High Calling network. We look forward to your posts, comments, and interaction. Blessings!
This is a great reminder! Thank you so much! What a priviledge to call you friend! Love you bunches!
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